Graphs are perfect for storing information needed for the agent, be it knowledge, state of the world, patterns and so on.
The reason we use graphs is because they represent both pieces of information and relations between them...
Knowledge Base
The agent needs a lot of knowledge to function. Knowledge base stores specific type of knowledge - only conceptual knowledge.
World Model
The agent needs to keep track of the real world and model it. This is what we use World Model for.
Problem solving involves doing multistep actions to achieve a goal.
The agent needs to be able to plan ahead and make decisions based on the current state of the world. And adjust the plan according to the new observations.
The goal of the timeline is to capture the flow of time. All the experience is linked to it, allowing the agent to reason about the sequence of events.
Online Learning
The goal of the timeline is to capture the flow of time. All the experience is linked to it, allowing the agent to reason about the sequence of events.